What The Dickens!


What The Dickens!


By Ian Cunningham

Here are ten quotations from the pages of Charles Dicken's most famous novels. Can you match them with his colourful characters?

1. "I am well aware that I am the umblest person going; let the other be where he may. My mother is likewise a very umble person. We live in a numble abode, but have much to be thanked for."

   Oliver Twist, Oliver Twist

   Uriah Heep, David Copperfield

   Mr.Jingle, Pickwick Papers

   Sidney Carton, A Tale Of Two Cities


2. "Please, sir I want some more."

   Uriah Heep, David Copperfield

   Mr.Jingle, Pickwick Papers

   Sidney Carton, A Tale Of Cities

   Oliver Twist, Oliver Twist


3. "Waiter; raw beefsteak for the gentleman's eye-nothing like raw beefsteak for a bruise, sir; cold lamp post very good, but lamp post inconvenient-damned odd standing in the open street half an hour with your eye against a lamppost....."

   Mr.Jingle, Pickwick Papers

   Oliver Twist, Oliver Twist

   Uriah Heep, David Copperfield

   Sidney Carton, A Tale Of Two Cities


4. "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done;it is a far, far better rest than I go to than I have ever known."

   Sidney Carton, A Tale Of Two Cities

   Oliver Twist, Oliver Twist

   Mr.Jingle, Pickwick Papers

   Uriah Heep, David Copperfield



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